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Spring Cleaning Hacks To Make Your House Look As Good As New

It’s that time of the year again- washing the bedsheets, changing the curtains, cleaning the windows. To help lighten your cleaning burden, here are spring-cleaning hacks to use to refresh your space.

Living Room Yellow Wall

1) Give your house a fresh coat of paint.

While this may seem extravagant, you will be surprised at what changing the colours of the house can do. To brighten up your living room, go for warm and lively colours such as yellow. Otherwise, you can opt for a new change in the colour of your bedsheets or curtains as well.

Different colours can bring a different kind of atmosphere into your house, so do your research to find out what colour would best suit the interior that you are looking for.


2) Level up your window coverings

Traditional curtains and blinds with cords are a thing of the past. By using motorised coverings, you save yourself the trouble of having to manually move the curtain and blind fabric every single time you'd want to give them a wash.

Each purchase of Somfy’s motorise blinds comes with the Connexoon Window app that you can download on your phone or tablet devices. With this app, homeowners can adjust their blinds to different angles and positions. This provdes ease and convenience when cleaning your motorised blinds, making sure that they are spick and span for the new year.

The best part - Somfy’s latest Wirefree Motors do not require any drilling and hacking during installation, making it a hassle-free option.

3) Make Use Of All The Space In Your House

After you’ve spent so much time and effort in keeping your place clean and nice for your guests, the last thing you want is for your guest to feel uncomfortable in your home. Somfy’s weather sensors work together with awnings or zip screens to create an outdoor space that is not limited by the weather.

When you want to bask in the warmth of the sun, simply retract the awning. Otherwise, you can also create a cool and shaded area when you extend the awning. With this, you can invite your guests out to your outdoor space to spend some quality time regardless of the weather.

Similar to the indoor motorized solution, the motorized awnings can also be controlled with a remote or with any smart device for added convenience.

4) Declutter your house

There is a difference between cleaning and clearing, ironically, both are related. Decluttering is essential in making your home look bigger and cleaner!

Start with throwing away expired products, old letters or any unwanted packaging that you have been keeping around the house for that “day” when you might use it.

For example, you can usually find a Period After Opening (PAO) symbol at the back of the product. The PAO symbol acts a guideline of when you should consider throwing away that product.

The best part of decluttering is you’ll have less to clean too!

For more information about Somfy’s motorised interior window coverings and exterior shades, reach out to our customer relations team here.

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